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FBiH Employers’ Association invites Entrepreneurs, Associations, Citizens to nominate Best Entrepreneur for “Emerik Blum” Award in 2020

'On the occasion of World Employers Day, FBiH Employers' Association gives award 'Emerik Blum €ť to the Best Entrepreneur in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2020. Recognition will be given to the most efficient entrepreneur, who shifts boundaries, demonstrating that it is possible to create added value while respecting the social and natural environment. We urge all business people, business associations and citizens to nominate the entrepreneurs they consider to be the best and most successful, but also entrepreneurs to stand as candidates," the FBiH Employers' Association said.

Initiative to amend the new Rulebook on the application of the new Law on VAT of BiH with special reference to the sale of goods in a row and its treatment in the VAT system

Based on the needs of monitoring modern business trends, and striving to introduce legal and systemic solutions that will enable efficient monitoring of the origin and quality of trade in goods, based on business and tax practices of neighboring countries (Republic of Serbia), and Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax, the FIC today submitted to the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) an Initiative to amend the new Rulebook on the application of the new VAT Law of BiH (Initiative).

FIC Initiative on amending the Law on Profit Tax of FBiH adopted

The Federal Ministry of Finance, by act no: 05-02-4-8738 / 19-1, today informed the Foreign Investors Council in BiH that the FBiH Government, at its 206th regular session, on January 16, 2O2O. adopted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Profit Tax by urgent procedure, and submitted to the Federal Parliament, and that the FIC Initiative to amend the Law on Profit Tax was taken into account during the preparation of Draft Law.

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