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Şişecam Group Affiliates Merger

Following approval by the Capital Markets Board (CMB), shareholders also approved the merger of all operations under a single entity by ĹžiĹźecam Group, a global player in all core areas of the glass industry and in the field of chemicals comprising soda and chromium compounds.

FIC President participated at the Regional Online Conference ‘Export challenge – We must move forward’

This year as part of the project "100 largest in BiH €ť, organized by Poslovne novine from Sarajevo in co-organization of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH and LRC, with the general sponsor Euroexpress Express Mail, was realized the third regional panel conference entitled €ťThe export challenge - We have to move forward €ť. Given the current situation regarding the coronavirus-caused pandemic, this year's conference was held online, on September 2 at 14:00 via the Zoom application and gathered about 150 participants from BiH and the region.

FIC held a meeting with the new Secretary General of AmCham BiH

The Executive Director of FIC, Sanja Miovcic, met with Mr. Nedim Hamzić, the new Secretary General of the American Chamber of Commerce in BiH (AmCham BiH), a non-governmental organization and part of the European and global network of AmChams, whose task is to establish a platform to develop business opportunities and promote high standards of business practice and strengthen partnerships between the business community and BiH government bodies at all levels.

SBF Online Session #5: Digitalni oporavak: Podrška digitalnoj transformaciji bh. kompanija kao odgovor na COVID-19

Bosna Bank International (BBI) u okviru Sarajevo Business Foruma (SBF) 2020 i inicijative 'Mi to možemo", a u saradnji sa projektom 'Dijaspora za razvoj" organizirala je 5. SBF online sesiju"DIGITALNI OPORAVAK: Podrška digitalnoj transformaciji bh. kompanija kao odgovor na COVID-19 €ť. Inače, 'Dijaspora za razvoj" (D4D) je projekat Ministarstva za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH i Vlade Švicarske, u partnerstvu sa UNDP BiH i IOM BiH. Moderatori 5. SBF sesije bili su prof. Eddie Custovic i prof. Damir Mitric, članovi Upravnog odbora BH Futures Foundation.

FDA Authorizes IQOS as a Modified Risk Tobacco Product

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided that IQOS, a product of Philip Morris that heats rather than burns tobacco, can be classified as a "modified risk tobacco product" (MRTP), and that informing consumers about reduced exposure harmful substances when using this device in accordance with the promotion of public health.

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