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EBRD supports Raiffeisen Leasing Sarajevo

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are to benefit from a loan of up to €7 million that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing to Raiffeisen Leasing d.o.o. Sarajevo for on-lending to local businesses.

MESSER won the concession for research of CO2 in Petrovo

On 11 May 2016, the Municipal Assembly of Petrovo issued a positive opinion to a company Messer BH Gas Sarajevo, a subsidiary Sockovac, on the initiation of the procedure for granting concession for exploration of CO2, gas and thermal mineral water at the site Ciguse-Bare in Sockovac in a municipality Petrovo.

Cement factory Kakanj hosted Austrian entrepreneurs

On Thursday, 21 April 2016, representatives of Austrian companies led by Sigmund Nemeti, commercial counselor at the Austrian Embassy in BiH, visited the Kakanj Cement plant. On that occasion Izudin Neimarlija, executive director of the Kakanj Cement plant for production and technical issues, presented all the main business activities of the Cement Factory Kakanj taken from privatization till now.

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