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IFTDO World Conference held in Sarajevo

Sarajevo was the host of the prestigious 48th IFTDO | HRD - Human Resource Development World Conference and Exhibition. The Conference was held from 24 - 26 June and was organized by the company Origin Europe, member of the FIC and leading global company for human resource development, managing and organizing events.

48th IFTDO World Conference

The capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina will host the 48th IFTDO World Conference €˜HRD in the Digital Transformation Era'. The Conference will be held at the Hills Hotel from 24 to 26 June 2019.

Održana sjednica Savjeta za strane investitore Federacije BiH

Stvaranje što povoljnijeg poslovnog ambijenta za strane investitore kroz olakšavanje uvjeta za registraciju kompanija koje žele ulagati u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, jedan je od ključnih zadataka i ciljeva koje podupire Savjet za strane investitore FBiH koji je danas u Sarajevu održao teću sjednicu pod predsjedavanjem federalnog ministra trgovine Zlatana Vujanovića.

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