Foreign Investors Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, in cooperation with the audit and consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers Sarajevo, organized education on transfer pricing for taxpayers, companies, members of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH and Foreign Investors Council of BiH.

Speakers at the press conference were Ms. Medina Dudo from the Federal Ministry of Finance and Ms. Mubera Brkovic, Tax Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers Sarajevo. The seminar was attended by over 80 representatives of domestic and foreign companies. “The working group for tax and fiscal policy, which exists in FIC and which is in charge of the implementation of recommendations in the field of tax and fiscal policy, recognized the interest and need for the organization of training on transfer pricing in the Federation, the topic which increasingly becoming a segment of interest for companies and tax authorities, especially after recently adopted new FBiH Law on Corporate Income Tax and Rulebook on transfer pricing. The recently adopted Rulebook on transfer pricing gives precise guidelines in the treatment of transactions between related entities, the definition of transfer pricing, the methods for their determination and the necessary documentation. particularly important is the fact that the issue of transfer pricing in the Federation refers to the OECD Guide for transfer pricing as the most comprehensive guideline for documenting and testing of transfer pricing, ” said Ms. Mubera Brkovic, Director and Tax advisor at PwC Sarajevo and BoD member of FIC. This training is a continuation of a series of seminars and trainings organized by the Foreign Investors Council of BiH, and represent the beginning of a continuous cooperation between the FIC and Department for Education at Trade Chamber of BiH which will, depending on the interests of the business community, organize trainings and seminars on specific topics.
Pravilnik o transfernim cijenama.pdf
Pravilnik o transfernim cijenama.pptx