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SDG Business Pioneers in BiH for 2020 awarded

United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH), with support of Sweden, at a ceremony organized at the International Center for Children and Youth Novo Sarajevo in Sarajevo today proclaimed the SDG Business Pioneers in BiH for the second time ever. The SDG Business Pioneers Award ceremony is the final event of the...

Executive Director of FIC, Sanja Miovčić, participated in a panel discussion on the topic

Foreign Investors Council participated in the business conference “Investment Summit Municipalities – the Western Balkans Local Communities Fair””, in Sarajevo, organized by the Wood Cluster ””Furniturwood”” and the Chamber of Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the conference is to improve the economic, tourist and other potentials of local communities in Bosnia and...

Infobip is building the first modern IT campus in Sarajevo

The central facility of the Infobip BiH will be built in the Sarajevo settlement of Šip, in the northern part of the capital. The building will be located behind the last line of residential buildings on Šip, not far from the route of the future First Transversal, which is currently under construction. This is the...

FIC requested a statement from the FBiH Government due to omissions in the implementation of the Public Call for financial assistance to export companies

At the end of December, the Foreign Investors Council in BiH requested a statement from the FBiH Government and the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry regarding the omissions made in the implementation of the Public Call for financial assistance to export companies from the industrial sector. By disputed Public Call, some FIC members,...

FIC donated New Year’s packages for the proteges of the “Roma Brothers” Association

Foreign Investors Council in BiH, in cooperation with the Roma Association "Roma Brothers", donated New Year's packages for 50 children from socially disadvantaged Roma families, which this association helps. The 'Roma Brothers" Association, based in Sarajevo, was founded in 1994 with the aim of helping socially disadvantaged Roma families. Currently, the association has 110 members and helps about 500 Roma families.

FIC at the conference

Credit rating agency LRC and Poslovne novine, sponsored by Ziraat Bank BH d.d. Sarajevo and supported by Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, the logistics partner Express courier – UPS and the telecommunications partner BH Telecom d.d. Sarajevo, have implemented the project “Reliability 2020” for the sixth year in a row. After several months of campaigning, they...

FIC Board of Directors held a meeting

On October 22, 2020, the Board of Directors of the FIC (BoD) held its last meeting this year, online. BoD discussed the operational activities of the FIC executive office, current topics related to the new situation caused by the corona virus pandemic, the public promotion of the new “White Book” and “FIC Business Barometer”, as...

PwC Tax News: Amendments to the Rulebook on the procedure for filing tax returns and Rulebook on the application of the Profit Tax Law

In the “Official Gazette of FBiH”, No. 87/20 of December 2, 2020, were published: Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on the procedure for filing tax returns, and Rulebook on amendments to the Rulebook on the application of Profit Tax Law. Amendments to the Rulebook on the procedure for filing tax returns are mainly related...

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