On June 20, 2017, in Sarajevo was held a round table on “Analyzing the state of integrity, challenges and opportunities in the procedures for granting concessions in BiH”, organized by the Center for Responsible Democracy – COD LUNA.
The goal of the roundtable was to identify key shortcomings and determine a comprehensive reform measures and recommendations for improving the integrity in the field of awarding concessions, of which depends on the confidence of domestic and foreign investors, and the overall economic development of BiH. A round table based on key risk points in the process of granting concessions, such as:
- Tender procedure;
- Self-initiative offer;
- Concession contract;
- Process from the concession contract to the beginning of the use of the concession subject;
- Non-compliance of regulations and practice in concessor and grantor relations.
At the Roundtable was presented Integrity Risk Assurance and Concessions Analysis (Integrity Risk Assesment in Concessions) during the many years of experience of Tuzla-Kvarc company with regulatory barriers and procedural weaknesses during the concession procedure.
Apart from the representatives of the Concessions Commission of BiH and RS, FIPA, Federal Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Federal Ministry of Physical Planning, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of the RS, Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of the FBiH, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, the participants of this round table were representatives of the Foreign Investors Council of BiH, Mr. Haris Jašarević, manager at Deloitte Advisory Services Ltd. Sarajevo and the team leader of the concession and PPP working group in FIC BiH and Ms. Tea Kajan, Legal Affairs Officer at FIC BiH.