The FIC BoD members, Ms. Mubera Brkovic and Mr. Libor Krkoska and FIC executive director Bojana Škrobić Omerović, today met with Minister Trhulj in order to discuss Legislation regarding the PPP and Energy Efficiency projects in FBiH. During the meeting, Minister Trhulj has informed FIC representatives about new draft laws on Concessions and Electricity.As of today the new Law on Electricity in FBiH has entry into force which as a big step in solving issues under the Energy Chart in FBiH. We have been discussing also a new legislation for Energy Efficiency that will be in public discussion as of October 2013, whereby the FIC members will be invited to send proposals and recommendations for improving this area.
Minister agreed with us that current legislation is not sufficient to cover current needs of potential and present investors and he obliged to help out companies to overcome obstacles and help our country to get modern and stable economic and legislative framework. Next step will be to include Federal Ministry of Transport and Communication with aim to start drafting Law on PPP where EBRD is interested to provide all necessary technical support.