Representatives of the Foreign Investors Council and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ GmbH) held a meeting on December 4, 2020 to prepare a new project entitled Modernization of Municipal Services and Local Economic Development in the Western Balkans (WB6). GIZ is currently preparing a new co-operation project for the Western Balkan partner countries (WB6), which implementation should begin in April 2021.
The aim of this project is to devise an approach that helps municipalities to overcome the forthcoming socio-economic challenges, ensure their future sustainability as business locations and thus develop a future-oriented living environment with good prospects for their citizens.
Participants discussed the perspectives of foreign investors in BiH, their needs and existing potentials in terms of local economic development, whose inputs are extremely valuable during the design of a new project. They also discussed the current state of local development and the roles of municipalities in BiH, the needs and potentials for socio-economic recovery after COVID-19, the potential for providing services to municipalities to improve business friendliness and the potential for launching transnational municipal partnerships and competency clusters for joint regional economic development: through cross-border economic regions or directions for joint local economic development.
FIC held consultations with GIZ on the new Project – Modernization of Municipal Services and Local Economic Development in the Western Balkans (WB6)
4. December 2020by ficba