International public call (tender)

9. September 2013by ficba

Pursuant to Article 9 and 10 Rules of Procedure of the public tender for the use of real estate property owned by the Republic of Srpska and units of Local Self-government (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska” no. 20/12), point III of the Decision on the conditions of cede locations determined with the allotment Plan of industrial zones “Borja” (“Official Gazette of Teslic municipality” No. 4/13), points V Guidelines for the preparation of written bids, checking creditworthiness and evaluation of the bids submitted by investors for ceded locations determined with the allotment Plan of industrial zone “Borja” (” Official Gazette of Teslic municipality “No. 7/13) and Article 53 of Statute of Teslic municipality (“Official Gazette of Teslic municipality” No. 6/05, 4/08, 5/08, 2/12 and 3/13), Mayor of Teslic municipality announce:
All interested domestic and foreign legal parties whose principal activity is the manufacture are invited, to submit written offer for the transfer of land in industrial zones “Borja”.  
1. Full name and address of the party giving offer:  
-Teslic municipality  
-Address: Karadjordjeva # 6  
-Zip-code and city: 74270, Teslic  
-Tax number: 4401285900009,  
-Phone +387 (0)53/411-500, 411-501,  
-Fax: 053/411-541,  
Assignment of the industrial site, “Borja” area of 56334 m2 designated as c.s. no. 904/1 “Industrial Circle “Borja”, registered in the real-estate register of property number 1395 C.M. Teslic-city and l.r.file No. 2266-C.M. Teslic city as possession and ownership of Teslic municipality, for the construction of production facilities.  
Area of individual lots that are being assigned are as of 1000 m2 to 5000m2, with the possibility of a flexible approach to increase the surface area needed to implement planned technological process.
 Through the submission of bids by investors (Bidders).

The right to participate in this public call have all foreign and domestic entities that are interested in the construction of buildings for the purpose of carrying out economic activities of production, under the conditions stipulated by the Decision on the conditions of assignment locations determined with the allotment Plan for the Industrial Zones “Borja”.
 Interested foreign and domestic entities, as potential investors, the offer shall make and deliver in accordance with the terms contained in the Guidelines for the preparation of bids, checking creditworthiness and credit evaluation of the bids submitted by investors assignment locations determined with the allotment Plan of industrial zones “Borja”.
 The offer should include:
4.1. For domestic investors:
 – Request for a specific area of land appropriate to the planned production process,  
-Copy of the act of registration of the activity issued by the competent authority  
-Technology process for an existing business-types and range of products  
-Scope of business activities within the current activity expressed in natural and financial performance over the past 5 years from the year in which public call is issues    
– The market position of investors-overview of key customers and suppliers,  
– State the total value of fixed assets by investor’s last annual accounting statement,  
– Evidence on the number of employees over the past 5 years,  
– Proof of available potential for investors (own capital and capital from external sources)
– Business Plan for the future 5 years  
– An investment program with proven profitability of investments,  
– Certificate from the appropriate Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska on number of  
Employees for whom taxes and contributions on paid salary have been made  
-Tender Security (2% of the planned investment in the form of bank guarantee or deposit paid to the budget of municipality).
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4.2. For foreign investors:
– A request for a specific area of land appropriate to planned production process,
-Decision of the competent authority of the country of origin on the legal status of the company,  
-Technology process for an existing business-types and range of products  
-Scope of business activities within the current activities expressed in natural and financial performance over the past 5 years from the year in which public call has been issued  
-State of the total value of fixed assets by investors last accounting statement  
-Business Plan for the future 5 years  
-Evidence of the available potential for investment (proof of available funds deposited in a commercial bank or an agreement with a commercial bank with approved loan for the investment)          and  
-Tender Security (2% of the planned investment in form of bank guarantee or deposit paid to the budget of the municipality).
The main specified eligibility criteria for evaluating bids are:  
-The number of workers employed in manufacturing process,  
-Time for the implementation of the proposed project and  
-Solvency of investors.
Ceding of land in Industrial Zones “Borja” for the construction of production facilities will be made €‹ €‹to investors at a price of 1.00 BAM per 1m2 of land, under the following conditions:
1. That investor hires a number of employees provided by the rules for the evaluation of a specific area of land,  
2. That investor must deposit to guarantee retention and contractual employment for a period of 10 years from the commencement of production,  
3. That investor accepts ownership of property related ˝, until it meets the final contractual commitment to the production and the number of contracted employees.
5.1. Evaluation by number of employees
Minimum number of employed workers per 1000 m2 of land in industrial zones has to be 10 employees and is worth 10 points.  
Depending on the type of activity and type of technological processes, minimal staff of ten workers per 1000 m2 of land in industrial zones may be adjusted up or down by 30%, this is subject on which the Commission will make a decision for each individual case.
In the case of a large number of registered investors, priority in the allocation of land will have bidders whose program provides higher number of employees on 1000m2 of land in industrial zones. Proportionately to the greater numbers than the minimum number of employees per 1000 m2 of land will increase the number of points intended for evaluation criteria for the number of new employees, which means that:
-For number of new employees from 10 to 20, 10 points will be awarded,  
-For number of new employees from 21 to 30, 20 points, will be awarded,  
-For number of new employees from 31 to 40, 30 points, will be awarded,  
-For number of new employees from 41 to 50, 40 points, will be awarded,  
-For number of new employees over 100, 50 will be awarded  
Awarded number of points based on the number of employees is increased by an additional 10% for investors who plan to build a facility for the processing of agricultural products that will engage local farmers, on the cooperation basis.
5.2. Evaluation of the period of implementation of the proposed project
In the case of a large number of investors registered, priority in the allocation, with respect to the criteria of the number of new employees, will be given to the projects whose implementation period is shorter, but offers with the implementation period longer than 12 months it will not be considered  
5.3. Evaluation of investor’s solvency
Solvency of investors will be evaluated on the basis of the assessment of indicators given in the documents that are required as Annexes to the application for investors.  
On the proposal of the Commission for the verification of the solvency and evaluation of bids, the final decision to transfer land in Industrial Zones “Borja” for the construction of manufacturing facilities, will be on the Municipality of Teslic Assembly.  
With the investor who is awarded with the assigned plot according to the allotment Plan of established industrial zone “Borja” for the construction of the production facility, on the behalf of the Teslic municipality, the Mayor will sign a contract which will define the rights and obligations of the contracting parties.  
Before the conclusion of the contract investor is obliged to provide guarantees for the proper performance of contractual obligations.
Acceptable forms of guarantees are:  
Mortgage on the installed movable or immovable property to the allocated land and  
-Bank Guarantee
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6. Control of the realization of the contracted obligations of the investor
Department of Economics and Social Affairs will monitor the implementation on the semi-annual basis of contractual obligations of investors in terms of the number of newly employed and time periods of production activities, on which shall annually inform the Municipality Assembly of Teslic about the pace and extent of implementation of contractual obligations by the investor.
7. Publishing the public call (Tender)
In accordance with the Instructions this International public notice is published and available to potential local and foreign investors for a period of 6 (six) months from the date of publication.  
Written bids should be submitted in person at premises of Administrative Service of Teslic municipality, every working day from 07-15 hours, or by mail at the following address: Teslic municipality, The Mayor of the Municipality, Address Karadjordjeva # 6, 74270 Teslic, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Original text in local language “Opština Teslić, Načelniku Opštine, Ul. Karađorđeva 6, 74270 Teslić, Bosna i Hercegovina), or through e-mail to .  
Opening of the received bids will be done by the Commission for checking of creditworthiness and evaluation of received bids will be carried out once a month on the first working day of the month at 12:00 AM in the conference room in the building of the Administrative Service of Teslic Municipality.
This international public notice will be published at:
1. Bulletin boards of Administrative Service of Teslic municipality,  
2 Web site of Teslic municipality  
3. Daily newspaper “Euroblic Republic of Srpska” Banja Luka  
and if necessary, other daily newspapers  
4. TV station K3 Prnjavor  
5. Radio Studio M Teslic  
6. Chambers of commerce and business offices representations
7. Embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Europe
1. Bulletin board Prim. Dr Milicevic  
2. Daily newspaper “Press RS”, Banja Luka  
Address (Original text in local language “Ul. King Peter II Karađorđevića 34 €ť) and  
3. Radio and TV  
4. File  
5. Archive

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