Official name: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
Area: 51, 209, 2 km2 (51, 197 km2 land, 12, 2 km2 sea)
Population: 3.5 million
Age structure: 0-14 years: 15.3% , 15-64 years: 70.3%, 65 years and over: 14.2%
GDP: 14.6 milijardi EUR (2015)
GDP per capita: 3,821 EUR (2015)
Currency: Konvertibilna Marka (BAM – official; KM – common use)
Exchange rate: 1 EUR = KM 1,95 (fixed exchange rate)
Tax jurisdictions: There are two main tax jurisdictions in BiH: the Federation of BiH (FBiH), with 10 cantons, and the Republika Srpska (RS).
Latitude/longitude: 44 N, 18 E
Time zone: CET (GMT + 1 hour)
Internet domain: .ba
Int. telephone code: +387
Population growth rate: -0.0023% (2015 est.)
Capital city: Sarajevo
Other major cities: Banja Luka, Bihac, Mostar, Tuzla, Zenica
Religions: Muslim (50,7%), Orthodox Christian (30,74%), Roman Catholic (15,18 %), Others (3,35%)
Ethnic groups: Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and others
Languages: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian (all official)
Administrative organization: BiH comprises of two entities: the Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska. Formally part of both entities is the Brčko District, a multi-ethnic self-governing administrative unit.
Government structure: BiH is a parliamentary democracy with a bicameral parliament (House of Representatives and House of Peoples), a three-member rotating presidency, a Council of Ministers, and Constitutional Court.